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Over 50 Years of Combined Experience
1801 Hermitage Blvd, Suite 170
M - F 9:00 - 5:00

Barnes Quarterly – Episode 08

Barnes Quarterly – Episode 08

The 2020 Election edition for the podcast is here.

Episode 8 of the Barnes Quarterly is available for listening!

In our newest podcast we discuss with Chris Zaccarelli the 2020 election and it’s potential market impacts, as well as what could come in the 4th quarter of the year.

We’re also very excited to announce the arrival of our new website, which we are sure you’ll love!

The podcast is live and available for listening on Spotify and YouTube.
Our previous podcasts are available for your listening pleasure on the above platforms.

To listen on Spotify, click here.To listen on YouTube, click here.

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