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Over 50 Years of Combined Experience
1801 Hermitage Blvd, Suite 170
M - F 9:00 - 5:00



You know how important it is to plan for your retirement, but where do you begin? One of your first steps should be to estimate how much income you’ll need to fund your retirement. That’s not as easy as it sounds, because retirement planning is not an exact science. Your specific...

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More workers are postponing retirement. Will you? The pandemic sparked some interesting retirement trends. First there was an unexpected decline in the share of workers in the United States who were 55 and older, prompting a study called “The Great Retirement Boom” by economists with the...

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Learn how to protect loved ones—and yourself—from fraud Face it. We’re all getting older. And, while age comes with wisdom, it can also come with vulnerability. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) reports that scams targeting older adults are increasing—and often leave no way for the victims...

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Handling Retirement Shortfalls

How to address retirement savings that aren’t stacking up. No matter your age or background, saving for retirement is a common concern. Will yours be the storybook future, one spent sampling wines in the Napa Valley and golfing the world’s iconic links? Or will it be far more mundane and...

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Annuity Options: Choices Abound for Today's Retiree

As the earliest baby boomers begin to enter retirement, the various income guarantees and other living benefits offered through variable annuities (VAs) are gaining in importance. Yet before you rush to add a VA to your retirement funding scheme, take some time to understand what VAs have to...

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Tips for Transitions: Make the Most of Your Retirement Account Options

American workers change jobs fairly frequently. For instance, the youngest baby boomers held an average of more than 11 different jobs before the age of 48.1 The decisions you make about how to manage retirement assets when changing jobs can have a direct impact on your future financial...

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Finding Your Way through the IRA Maze

You’re certainly not alone if the words Individual Retirement Account (IRA) cause your mind to spin in confusion. The original IRAs were mind-boggling enough. However, now you have several options, including what many have called the “American Dream” IRA—the Roth IRA. Let’s take a moment and...

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A Few Words on Feathering Your (Retirement) Nest

If you are in your twenties, you may think it’s too early to start planning for your retirement. Be assured, it’s never too early. Following are a few tips to consider in planning to feather your nest and nurture your nest egg. 1) Calculate your monthly expenditures and your income. This should...

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