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Over 50 Years of Combined Experience
1801 Hermitage Blvd, Suite 170
M - F 9:00 - 5:00


Long-Term Care Costs & Choices

You or someone you love may need long-term care at some point in your life. Planning ahead can help ease your concerns about the cost of care. When people hear “long-term care”, they often think of a nursing home. But there are a broad range of health services and providers that fall under...

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Annuity Options: Choices Abound for Today's Retiree

As the earliest baby boomers begin to enter retirement, the various income guarantees and other living benefits offered through variable annuities (VAs) are gaining in importance. Yet before you rush to add a VA to your retirement funding scheme, take some time to understand what VAs have to...

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Finding Your Way through the IRA Maze

You’re certainly not alone if the words Individual Retirement Account (IRA) cause your mind to spin in confusion. The original IRAs were mind-boggling enough. However, now you have several options, including what many have called the “American Dream” IRA—the Roth IRA. Let’s take a moment and...

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A Few Words on Feathering Your (Retirement) Nest

If you are in your twenties, you may think it’s too early to start planning for your retirement. Be assured, it’s never too early. Following are a few tips to consider in planning to feather your nest and nurture your nest egg. 1) Calculate your monthly expenditures and your income. This should...

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A Closer Look at IRAs—Roth vs. Traditional

    Roth IRA Traditional IRA 10% penalty for withdrawals prior to age 59½ Yes** Yes** Tax-deductible contributions No Yes*** Tax-deferred accumulation Yes Yes Tax-free distribution Yes No Mandatory minimum withdrawals requiredto start at age 70½ No Yes  *Withdrawals after age 59½...

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How Healthy is Your Life Portfolio?

For most people, thinking about the economy starts with their personal financial situation. While job prospects, or the health of a business, or prices at the pump all have an impact on how we feel about the economy, the bottom line is really, “How is my family doing?” In order to capture this...

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Passive vs. Active-Let's End the Debate

It is one of the most hotly debated topics in the financial industry – and it’s also one of the most misapplied topics too. Are investors better off utilizing passive or active strategies? Or should investors combine the two? But before you answer, I want you to think about this: passive vs....

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Are There Really Tax-Free Retirement Plan Distributions?

A look at some popular & obscure options for receiving money with little or no tax. Provided by Barnes Capital Group Will you receive tax-free money in retirement? Some retirees do. You should know about some of your options for tax-free retirement distributions, some of which are less...

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